Monday, February 14, 2011

Computer tips - how to choose, if you buy a computer to buy

To choose a machine - questions "What is the most popular computer" is the right question? First way, I have found that many people first questions, "What is the most popular computer?" and the answer, the question choose thinking about this for you to leave. Well, this is not necessarily the best idea.

Just because something popular is does not necessarily it is that existing - for example, fast food restaurants are popular places to go, but I think we all know that they serve the best food in the world. Here is the thing to remember when thinking about how to choose when buying a computers-should generally avoid the big brand names. Yes, this might surprise you, but I think it is generally not a good idea from a major brand name companies buy (there is an exception, I order in a minute will be).

Here's why: dollar for dollar, generally you will get a worse deal than if you go with a reputable "generic" or "white box" shop. A lot of people have low price first on your list when you try to figure out how to choose if you buy a computer. So you go with a cheap brand name and spend a few hundred dollars to you, and you think, getting a good deal. But what you don't realize is that it is common for many of the big brand companies sell very outdated computers on their lower price categories, and from what I heard have, sell often also computer with parts you know, are bad!

I'm not kidding about diese-- most of the major computer companies out there, if you sell your least expensive computers try to unload that gathered dust on their shelves for a long time old inventory. Sell it for you as if it is new, and perhaps in the sense that is never before bought it, but it is hardly new to the technology. And the alarming involves that of which I've heard what, often parts you have those computers, * known * to be bad parts!

You see, when a chipmaker like Intel makes a computer (the "brain" of the computer) processor, test it to ensure that it works. Makes sense, right? But inevitably many of you fail this test. Now would these bad parts would throw, but Nein--from what I heard what happened you sell you on the major computer companies with discount, and companies in your computer anyway remember.

What can a bad processor, which a lot of the time you run slower set is, and while it may not with full speed run, works good enough to run the tests to pass it. But the parts are still bad! Sure you can work OK for a while (perhaps just long enough to it by the warranty period), but have more small "errors" and dismantling used at the end. So if you configure a renowned local company sold computer that you find, get a well built computer for much less you as figures for the brand.

A family-owned store like this is the only place which would personally a Windows PC, I buy. As previously mentioned there was an exception among the big Markennamen--if you have read my articles or my e-mail newsletter for a while, you already that you might have guessed is flow - Apple.

Apple is the only major brand name computer, I personally would buy (I'm writing this on a MacBook Pro). I do this partly because I've used many different types of computers over the years, and really not with Windows much enjoy. But I do also because Apple does not intentionally bad processors in their computers or try to sell obsolete computers as new. Some people complain that Apple Macs are too expensive, but this is not the case actually, when compared apples to apples (excuse the pun), you tend to in same, than Dell or HP of the same general price information.

The bottom line is, so here's how to choose if you buy a computer: If you, like with Windows stick, support a local business and go into a good business that assembles your computer parts for you. Or finally get away from Windows and switch to a Mac.

Always get a better deal. Hope that makes sense and helps with your decisions about how chose to buy a computer.