Our computer training today focuses on the different types of computers. In our last lesson languages computers and computer history is about what. To be very large or very small. There are supercomputers, very large computers with thousands of linked microprocessors that perform very complex calculations. Some computers are embedded in cars TVs, stereos, calculators and even household appliances.
Each computer design is built to perform specific tasks and functions. Desktop or PCs are produced, used by one person at a time. Our computer basics lesson today to learn about different types of personal computers: desktops, laptops, handhelds and Tablet PCs.
Desktop computer:
For use on a desk or table serve desktop computer (as the name suggests). They are usually larger and faster than other types of personal computers. Desktops consist of separate components. The system unit is the main or most important component in your computer system. Rectangular shape, making it to the desktop or under may sit. Other components include the keyboard, mouse, speakers and monitor.
Laptop computers are typically lightweight mobile PCs with a thin screen. Am sure you must have seen a lot of you, or even use your computer training. They are sometimes called notebook computers because they can be used instead of a notebook with paper. Laptops can have can work with battery operated everywhere you use. Unlike desktops, laptops are self-contained. Laptop folds and closes like a book. Therefore it makes easy for you, faster where anyone learn go computer.
Handheld computers, also called personal digital assistants (PDAs), are battery-powered computers as BlackBerry's. Handheld computers are not as fast as desktop PCs or laptops, handhelds are convenient for appointments, track addresses and phone numbers, and playing games.
Some handhelds have get more advanced features, such as phone calls or the Internet. Have touch screens that you use with your finger or a stylus that looks much like a pen without ink, instead of a keyboard, handheld computer or PDA's. So do you now know the answer to your question "What is computer"? Let's continue with our computer basics training!
Do you know what are tablet computers? Tablet PCs are mobile PCs to combine features of laptops and handhelds. How laptops Tablet PCs are very powerful, fast and have a screen like a tablet. Like handhelds, tablets can can make notes or draw pictures on the screen, usually with a tablet pen instead of a stylus. You know that tablets can turn your handwriting into typed text? Some Tablet have PCs from a single screen, share the keyboard under the computer and can be expanded.
This basic training lesson is our computers today. I hope you now know what is computer, the history of computers and the different types of computers. You can find more computer basics lesson of my free e-mail newsletter publications on my website. You can check it out by the resource box below, if you are interested. Have a nice day, and hopefully see in my next computer training class, where we will start in more advanced tricks, you learn how to use to help computer faster on your own.
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