Monday, January 31, 2011

Breaking the computer buying cycle

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Parameter name: request

That New Computer Smell

If you are like most people when they go out and buy a new Personal Computer you probably get excited when you take it out of the box, turn it on and marvel at how fast it runs. When a computer is new it always seems to run faster and boot up quicker than your old computer. The applications and games seem to run without any slow down and when you get on the internet the pages load instantly on the screen, and you can quickly surf from one website to another. Overtime though, your computer can slow down and not run as quickly as it did when it was new.

This slow down can occur for a variety of reasons and when it happens it can be frustrating and spoil your computing experience. Often times when this happens it can be corrected by either cleaning up your hard drive, or running some diagnostics. Perhaps the computer has a virus and once you remove the virus, performance can be restored. What do you do though if you have done all those things and your computer is still running slow?

If your computer is running slow even after you have removed any viruses and attempted to improve system performance, it could mean that the demands you are now placing on your computer have exceeded the computer's capability.

As we use our computers we tend to install new software applications and attempt to run more applications simultaneously. The new software we install can require greater computer resources such as more computer memory and a faster CPU, or central processing unit to run the software applications or games properly.

If you are like me you like to have multiple software applications running or multiple internet browser windows open at the same time and that can utilize greater amounts of computer resources as well. The more resources you use, the slower the computer will run.

This is a constant problem in computing because computer technology doubles roughly every 18 months. In a demand for more feature rich software applications, software developers create more resource consuming software programs. To meet the increased demands of the software, computer manufacturers continue to build faster, more expensive computers. This, in my opinion, is a vicious cycle where in order to maintain a fast and enjoyable computing experience, the computer user is forced to go out and buy a new computer every few years.

Fortunately for me I have never had to worry about that problem. I am a certified computer professional and have been building and repairing computers for over 15 years. When I want a faster computer I do not go out and buy a new expensive computer. I have learned how to break the new computer buying cycle by upgrading my computer. By upgrading my computer rather than buying new, I can simply make myself a faster computer at a fraction of the cost.

You can break the computer buying cycle too and you do not have to be a computer professional like me to do it. You only need to know a few things about computers, be handy with a screw driver and be able to follow a few simple instructions; but before you begin to think about upgrading your computer, it might be important to get a brief overview on how a computer works.

Computer Basics

Computers are made up of a combination of hardware and software working together. When you aren't familiar with how a computer functions then they can seem very complex. You can reduce that complexity, once you understand how a computer works at a basic level.

At its most basic level a computer receives input and produces output. A computer receives input through input devices such as the keyboard and mouse (hardware). Every time we click the mouse on a link or move the mouse across the screen we are giving the computer input or an instruction to do something.

The computer receives the input as an electronic signal created by the mouse click or keystroke on the keyboard. This signal is transmitted through the computer and is converted into digital data where it can be interpreted as an instruction by the operating system, software application or game.(software)

The computer processes digital instruction data and produces output as either an image or words on the computer screen or perhaps as a printout on a printer.

What makes a computer fast is its ability to receive input, and produce output quickly. There are several components a computer needs in order to function but there are three primary components that directly affect how fast a computer can operate.

The three primary computer components which handle the processing of input and make a computer fast are the:

Motherboard or Main System board
CPU or Central Processing Unit
RAM or Random Access Memory

The Motherboard

Without getting too technical, the Motherboard is the computer component that connects all the hardware together on the computer. You could think of the Motherboard as a data freeway that links together all the components of the computer and allows them to transmit data between each other and and communicate.

Every computer component on the computer connects to the Motherboard either by being connected directly to the Motherboard or connecting via a data cable. The devices or components that connect to the Motherboard are the CPU, RAM Memory, Hard Drive, CD ROM/DVD drive, Video Card, Sound Card, Network Card, Modem, Key Board, Mouse and Monitor.

There are additional peripheral devices which can connect to the Motherboard as well through a variety of data ports which are connected to the Motherboard such as a printer, digital camera, microphone, and even a HDTV. These devices can connect to the Motherboard using one of several ports such as a USB, Parallel, Fire-Wire, SATA (Serial-ATA), or HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) port.

In short the Motherboard provided the data communication infrastructure which allows communication between all the devices. What makes one Motherboard faster than another is the volume of data it can support being transmitted across what is called it's data BUS and the speed at which it can transmit the data. One way to think of it is in terms of a street. Think of the data bus as a street and the data are like cars driving down the street. Older Motherboards communication was the equivalent of a two way two lane street with a speed limit of 25 MPH. Today the new Motherboards are like 8 lane highways with 200MPH speed limits.

New Motherboards are faster because they can allow more data traffic at higher speeds.


The CPU or Processor is the brain of the computer. The CPU carries out all the instructions that you in conjunction with the Operating System, like Windows XP or Windows 7, asks it to do. CPUs can only carry out one instruction at a time but they do it so fast it seems like they are doing multiple tasks at one time or "Multitasking".

Newer CPUs are faster because their "clock speed" or "clock cycle" is faster. The clock speed is the speed at which a CPU can carry out instructions. You can think of clock speed like the timing of a metronome, the device that helps musicians keep the right musical time. A metronome has a hand on the front of it which swings back and forth at a timing interval you set. As it swings back and forth it ticks like a clock. Like the metronome the CPU also ticks at a set interval but a CPU ticks at an incredibly fast rate which is measured in Mega or Gigahertz. The CPU carries out an instruction on every tick of its clock cycle.

New CPUs can not only carry out instructions at very high clock speeds but they can also be made up of multiple CPU Cores. Each Core can carry out its own instructions. When you have a Dual Core CPU it can carry out two instructions at the same time and a Quad Core CPU can carry out four. There are even six Core CPUs out now and like the newer Motherboards these CPUs also have a larger Data BUS to send and receive data faster through the Motherboard enhancing the computers overall performance.

RAM Memory

RAM or Random Access Memory is what stores all the instructions you have asked the computer to carry out. Every time we interact with our computer we are creating instruction data for the CPU to process and even the simplest interaction, like moving the mouse across the screen, requires many single instructions the CPU must carry out. You can imagine that playing a computer game or running an application like Adobe Photo shop can create a tremendous amount of instructions for the CPU. The CPU is fast and can execute a lot of instructions quickly but it can't do them all at once which is why we need a place to store the instructions until they can be processed. This is why RAM was created.

RAM is basically the storage place for all the instructions that are waiting to be executed by the CPU. You can sometimes tell when you don't have enough RAM when you have clicked on the mouse or hit the enter key to initiate a program and the hour glass just sits there spinning on the screen. It can appear that our computer has locked up or froze but what is actually happening is the computer is completing the series of instructions it has been given before it can perform any further instructions. When this happens we usually see it as the computer briefly locking up. It is also very frustrating.

The best way to resolve this problem is by simply adding more RAM to your computer. Adding more RAM is possibly the easiest way to increase the performance of your computer. Increasing the amount of RAM in your computer can help your computer run faster because it allows your computer store more instructions. This lets the computer carry out a lot of instructions while you continue to do your work and it reduces the computer freeze ups.

The speed of the RAM you use can also help the computer. If you use RAM that has a faster Data Bus speed it can send the instructions it is storing to the CPU at a faster rate. The faster the CPU gets the instructions the faster it can carry them out and the faster your computer will run.

The amount and type you can use is dictated by the type of CPU and Motherboard you use. The Bus speed of the CPU and Motherboard as well as the capacity of RAM the Motherboard can recognize will determine what type of RAM and how much you can use.

Some Motherboards will allow you to install as much as 32GBs of RAM and most Motherboards will recognize multiple Bus speeds so you can use several different types of RAM. Generally speaking the faster the BUS speed and the larger storage capacity of the RAM, the faster your computer will perform. The important thing to remember though is that with larger capacity and speed comes higher price.

What's nice about upgrading RAM is most Motherboards can accommodate several different speeds and capacities of RAM so you can start out with a slower speed and smaller capacity, which will be less expensive reducing your initial upgrade cost and then later down the road you can upgrade your RAM to a larger capacity and high speed.

Replacing the Motherboard, CPU and RAM is actually a lot easier than you may think. The CPU and RAM are directly connected to the motherboard so you can replace all three components at the same time by simply swapping out the motherboard.

To do this you must first determine what kind of form factor of motherboard your current computer supports.

The Motherboard Form Factor

Many computer manufacturers such as HP, Compaq, Dell, Gateway, eMachine, and Acer build their computers based on 4 primary motherboard form factors or design specifications and they are:

ATX = Full Size Motherboard generally found in full size Desktop computers and Towers
Micro-ATX = Mid Size motherboard found in Mid Tower and Smaller Desktops
Mini-ATX = Small Motherboard found in Mid Towers, Smaller Desktops
Mini-ITX = Newest motherboards very small size found in new smaller towers and desktops

These form factors refer to the size of the Motherboard itself. The computer case is designed to accommodate a specific size of Motherboard. Once you have determined which form factor your computer model is, then all you need to do is purchase the correct form factor Motherboard that fits your computer models case.

It would work like this. Let's say you have an HP Pavilion 750n desktop computer. This is an older computer with a single core processor. Nice computer when it first came out but very slow by today's standards. You decide that you want to make it faster by upgrading it to a Quad Core CPU but you need to determine if you can upgrade it.

You can determine whether or not you can upgrade that particular computer by going to the HP support website. On the site you would type in your computer model and look at the hardware specifications for that computer. HP will list the form factor information in the specifications guide. Having done this many times, I already know the 750n uses a Micro-ATX form factor.

Each computer manufacturer I named has a support site on their webpage where you can go to determine your models form factor. You can also do a search on Yahoo, Google, or Bing and ask what form factor your computer model is. If that doesn't work simply email me or leave a comment on this article and I can help you locate it.

Once you know the type of form factor your computer model supports you are now ready to decide what performance level you would like to upgrade your computer to.The performance level of the computer is generally dictated by the CPU it uses. You may recall I indicated the CPU is often referred to as the brain of the computer because it processes all the instructions and it sets the computers overall speed based on it's clock speed.Since the computers overall speed is set by the CPU, you typically start your upgrade by determining the CPU performance level you want.

How you decide which performance level you would like to upgrade to can be based on how you use your computer and how much you want to spend to upgrade it. Generally speaking if you only use your computer to send and receive email, browse the web, and save and share digital images from a digital camera, then you may only need to upgrade to a Dual Core CPU to significantly improve you computing experience.

If you play lots of games, burns DVDs, edit movies or sound files, and work with high resolution images or graphics, then you may want to select a Quad Core CPU to increase performance and improve your computing experience.

From a cost perspective you can expect to pay more for a faster CPU than you would for a slower CPU and Quad Core CPUs are generally more expensive than Dual Cores. As a rule I believe you should purchase as much as you can for as little as possible that way you get the most for your money and you won't have to upgrade again for quite a while.

When you are ready to select your CPU you will have choices based on manufacturer and type and there are also some differences between the various types of CPUs from each manufacturer which you should be aware of.

There are three primary CPU manufacturers Intel, AMD and Motorola, but for the purpose of this article we are only going to focus on Intel and AMD. Motorola is primarily responsible for making CPUs for Apple Computers. Apple computers, are a proprietary computer model and it can be more difficult and more costly to upgrade an Apple computer.

This article is focused on helping the budget conscious, who own what is generally referred to as an IBM compatible computer, upgrade their computer easily and inexpensively. IBM compatible computers are identified as those computers which primarily run a Microsoft Windows based operating system such as Windows XP or Windows 7. Intel and AMD manufacture CPUs that support IBM compatible computers so those are the two manufacturers we will focus on.

For the purpose of this article I am not going to go into great detail about the differences between Intel and AMD CPUs. There is already a significant amount of detailed information available on the internet which describes each manufacturers CPU chip architecture, as well as gives side by side comparison.

I would invite you to do a little research on how each manufacturers chips are designed and then review a website that benchmarks each CPUs performance. There are many links on CPU design, comparisions and reveiws on the weband this can help you make your CPU choice.

The prevailing sentiment regarding AMD vs. Intel is that both CPUs, in either Dual or Quad Core configuration, perform similarly with Intel being slightly faster. Intel CPUs have always been associated with executing business applications quickly while AMD CPUs run multimedia applications quickly. As you research their benchmark scores you will see Intel on a graph seems to dramatically out perform AMD but when you look at the duration of time between the two it is minimal.

Where you will see a significant difference between the two manufacturers is in cost. AMD CPUs are almost always less expensive than Intel CPUs. The question I always ask my clients is, "Is a 4 second faster speed difference worth an extra $200 or $300 dollars more by buying an Intel CPU?" To me it is not.

I am looking for an overall performance increase compared to what I am currently using. Once you upgrade your computer you are not going to be comparing it to another computer of equal performance, you will be comparing it to the speed of your last computer. If after your upgrade, you find your computer runs significantly faster than your last computer and it didn't cost much for you to achieve that performance increase, you will be happy with your upgrade and that is what is important.

CPU Cache

Earlier I indicated that RAM stores all the instruction data being transmitted to the CPU and throughout the computer. The CPU Cache is another form of high speed memory only it is specifically devoted to the CPU. It has been shown that a CPU can process data faster if more of the data it must process can be stored on memory located closer to the CPU itself.

All CPUs come with a cache but some newer CPUs will come with an additional cache that is faster and can hold more data closer to the CPU. Typically CPUs operating at a higher clock speed and having an additional, faster cache will offer higher performance.

A good example of this is the difference between the AMD Athlon and Phenom Series of CPUs. Both the Athlon and Phenom series come in Dual and Quad Core configurations but the Phenoim Series has an additional L3 cache making the CPU faster. It also makes a Phenom series CPU more expensive than the Athlon Series.

Another interesting tidbit is there is now a version II for both the Athlon and Phenom Series. The version II offers a more faster cache hence both CPUs are supposed to be faster than their predecessors however the benchmark numbers show a relatively small increase in performance.

Be sure to do a little research on the differences between the AMD and Intel CPUs and select the one you feel will be appropriate for your computing needs while meeting your budget goals. Once you have chosen the CPU you want you will then be ready to select the Motherboard that supports not only your CPU but your computer form factor as well.

One last thing regarding CPUs are both AMD and Intel have different CPU form factors so when you are selecting a Motherboard for the form factor that meets your computers specifications you also need to select the one that fits your CPU choice. This may seem complicated but it is not that difficult once you start looking at the Motherboard and CPU combinations.

The resellers I have showed you have filtering options on their web pages which allow you to select Motherboards that can support either AMD or Intel. You can also filter by both CPU and computer form factor as well which can help you narrow down your decision making.

Once you have made a decision on the CPU, you want to select the Motherboard that will support the CPU you have chosen. As far as Motherboards go there are several major manufactures of Motherboards and they all produce the 4 main types of Motherboard form factors. The major manufactures are:


This may seem like a lot to choose from but as you begin to filter on the CPU type you can narrow down your focus and make selecting the right Motherboard easier.

Each motherboard will come with common features that are necessary for standard computer operations and some can come with additional features that may or may not be beneficial to you. The primary thing to remember about the Motherboard is that all of the components connect too it and you can choose to customize your computer upgrade as much or as little you want depending on the Motherboard you purchase.

For example, you can purchase a Motherboard which has the video and sound card integrated into the board. This saves you both time and money because it eliminates the need for you to choose a video or sound card, but if you want a specific video or sound card, you can select a Motherboard that does not come with those integrated components and then pick the video and sound card you would like to install as add in cards onto the Motherboard.

Here is a list of common Motherboards features:

Keyboard and Mouse input often referred to as a PS2 connector
USB - Universal Serial Bus ports for connecting computer peripherals such as (Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Digital Camera, external Hard Drive etc...)
Parallel Printer Port (not as much in newer motherboards as printers use USB)
Local Area Network or LAN connection for a network or internet connection
Dial-up Modem (not as common in newer boards due to high speed internet connections)

Optional Motherboard Features:

1394 or Fire-wire connection (higher speed data connection)
External SATA or Serial-ATA connection (higher speed data connection designed to connect external SATA devices such as a Hard Drive)
HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface to connect an HD Monitor or TV, or to an external High Definition Audio component

We touched on RAM earlier and we know that the RAM you choose must be supported by the CPU and Motherboard you choose. To make it simple it breaks down like this when upgrading. The CPU determines the type of Motherboard you have to choose and your computer model determines the type of Motherboard form factor you select.

The Motherboard will dictate what type of RAM you will be able to use so that will make your selection easier. The only thing you will have to decide when it comes to RAM, is the size of RAM meaning the amount of Gigabytes, Gigs or GBs of RAM you choose and the RAM speed you select.

One other thing you must be aware of is the newer Operating Systems such as Windows Vista and Windows 7 require a minimum of 2GBs of RAM to run properly so you will want to select at least 2GBs of RAM when you upgrade. Knowing this can make your decision regarding the amount of RAM pretty straight forward. As far as the speed of RAM you select that again will depend on the speeds the Motherboard will support, the amount of performance you want and how much you are willing to spend.

As far as determining the speed of RAM your Motherboard will support that is not difficult to determine. As you begin to look at Motherboards you will see they clearly specify the type and speed of RAM they support.

I have covered a lot of information up to this point and I hope you have a better understanding of what is required for you to be able to identify the Motherboard, CPU and RAM components you would need to upgrade your current computer. Buying these components and upgrading them your self is far less expensive then going out and buying a new computer and I am confident with this information as a starting point you too can save money buy upgrading the computer yourself.

There are however, two important additional pieces of information you should know before you attempt to upgrade your computer.

1. Before you upgrade your current computer you should back up all of your important data on to an external storage device such as an external hard drive, USB jump drive or burn it onto a CD or DVD.

The reason this is important is when you upgrade those components you will be forced to reinstall the operating system and that will erase all the current data on your hard drive. In additional if you don't have an installation disk for your current operating system, you will need to purchase a new copy of Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 to install once you have upgraded the components. This may not actually be a major concern for you if you were already considering upgrading to a newer version of Windows. Also I can help you find an inexpensive copy of the Windows operating system if you it.

2. The new components you will install in you current PC will be more advanced from a power consumption standpoint and upgrading them will most likely require you to also upgrade your power supply.

The upgrade is not expensive and is a very easy to accomplish. The type of power supply you will want to select will be roughly 400 watts at least and will need to be a 20x4 pin or 24 pin power supply. This is the type of power supply supported by the newer Motherboards. Again the Motherboard specifications will indicate the power supply requirements.

To make your computer faster all you need to do is upgrade the Motherboard, CPU and RAM. You start by identifying the type of Motherboard form factor your current computer will support, and the performance level you want to upgrade to. Then you buy the CPU that fits your performance needs along with the Motherboard and RAM that fits both your computer model and CPU specifications.

The one thing I didn't cover is the actual installation of these components once you have purchased them and are ready to install. At a high level the process is nothing more then:

Unplugging the computer and disconnecting all peripheral components such as the keyboard, mouse and monitor from the case
Before you open the computer, discharge yourself electrically or purchase a static strap to ground yourself to the chassis, this will help you avoid static discharge which can fry a computer component.
Removing the side cover off the computer case
Disconnecting all the power cables and Data cables from the old Motherboard
Unscrewing and removing the old Motherboard from the case
Unscrewing and removing the old power supply
Install the new power supply
Install the new Motherboard into the case
Reconnecting all the power and data cables
Powering the computer back up and listening for proper post sound
Now you are ready to install the operating system

I know once you decide to start this process you will have many questions which is why there is one last thing I would recommend you do before you begin to upgrade you computer.

There are many do it yourself computer repair and upgrade manuals available online and they can provide you all the help you need to do your computer upgrade. Many of the books will provide you step by step explanation on how to replace just about every component on your computer and provide you with detailed diagrams so you can see how to actually perform the removal or install. I would suggest you make a small investment and purchase one of these books.

If I could recommend any do it yourself computer manual it would be "Self Computer Repair Unleashed".This book covers all aspects of computer upgrade and repair in a clear concise format and provides full color diagrams and step by step instructions to help you through any computer upgrade or repair. I can't recommend this book enough. I have provided a link to this book on the links page of my website below in my signature.

I thank you for reading my article and I hope it has inspired you to go out and tackle what you may have originally thought was an impossible task. You can upgrade your computer yourself and save yourself a lot of money too.

David R Doohen
IT Professional with 15 years of experience specializing in Computer Upgrade and Repair
MCP, CCNA, Net+, Server+, A+
Check out Tech Nibble for great computer repair and upgrade content and information.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to choose a cheap computer which really meets your needs

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Cheap computer selection can be fun and exciting. Or it can be mysterious and end-up costing you more than it should. Here are some ideas to help. Selecting a computer all boils down to your computer needs and computer strength. You should understand both before you go shopping.

Computer strength is determined by certain key components. They are the CPU, RAM memory, the hard disk drive, the graphics card, and the sound card. This article will review these parts and explain them so you will be able to avoid the many pitfalls in selection when purchasing any computer or laptop.

Your Intended Use

First, it is important to determine exactly what you intend to use the computer for. This is because you should buy a computer suited to your needs, and NOT only because of price, color, cabinet design, or because it's what a store has in stock. Your primary considerations should be a balance between your ability to pay and if the computer is powerful enough to handle your computer needs. Otherwise you are paying for excess Processor and Ram that you will never be used.

I recommend you write down on a piece of paper exactly what you want to do with a computer. If you know what software programs and games you will run, write them down. If you have these programs and you still have the box they came in, look on the box and see what operating systems (O/Ss) they will run on and the amount of RAM Memory and other requirements your programs require.

Note that the most popular O/S today is Microsoft Vista©. Unfortunately, many or all of the software programs and games you now have will probably not run on Vista.

Vista is a more complicated system and software must usually be created specifically for Vista in order to run. If you wish to keep the programs and games you now use, you may want to look only for a new computer that has Microsoft XP (usually Microsoft XP Professional) or you will have to buy upgrades or new programs and games that will run on a new computer that has Vista.

Most new computers will come with some software already installed on the computer, such as Microsoft Office, which includes several programs such as Microsoft Word.

Your Budget

You will need to consider your budget when buying any computer or laptop. Standard or basic computers are low-end systems that will handle most everyday computer needs for home, light office, individual and student users. Such uses would include surfing the Internet, using email, writing and editing reports, bookkeeping, downloading and listening to some music, watching some video, and light graphics editing. Many games will play on a standard computer, if an adequate graphics card is installed.

However, dedicated gamers, and those that wish to do considerable graphics and photo editing and video editing will need the more expensive higher-end systems that have the correct Athlon or Intel processors, the correct graphics and sound cards, and plenty of RAM Memory for good 3D rendering and heavy graphics use.

In determining your computer needs, you should assess how much power you need. If you have specific software graphics programs, such as an Adobe program, or games you have or wish to buy, look on the software and game boxes for recommended system specifications.

These specifications should be your guide when looking at computer systems.

Computer Components

Okay, so it gets a little complicated here, but I'll keep it simple. It is important to understand computer components so you have a better idea of what makes computers run. Here are the most essential components and parts in a computer.


The processor, or CPU, is the brain of the system. It is only a chip and is located on the motherboard, which is a large board system in the computer. All other computer components are designed around the processor because the processor is the master regulator of the entire system. It is the most expensive item in a computer, so the general strength of a computer is determined by the quality of the processor.

At the present time the AMD Sempron and Athlon are common low-end processors. Low-end RAM chips will only handle minimal graphics, meaning older or undemanding games and typical display graphics. The AMD Phenom Quad and Intel Core (TM) 2 Duo are mid-range, meaning they are stronger and can handle more. While the AMD Phenom X4 and the Intel Core(TM) Quad Q9450 are high-end, they are fully capable of full 3D rendition and heavy graphics use.


The system's Memory, or RAM or RAM Memory, is the temporary memory of the computer. Typically, the more RAM you have the smoother the computer will run. A good standard computer not long ago would have 512 MB of Memory. Things have changed. Now, many low-end and mid-range computers today will have up to 1 GB of DDR II RAM. High-end computers will have 2GB or even 4GB of DDR II or DDR III RAM.


The hard drive is the permanent memory of the computer. In general, it is best to get as much as possible, and hard drives are no longer expensive. Today, a typical hard disk in a standard computer should have a minimum of 40 GB, but will usually have about 80 GB. Mid-range computers will often have 200 GB or more. While high-end will have up to 1,000 GB. Look for the speed of the hard disk, 7200 RPM Serial ATA is desirable.

A person that downloads a lot of MP3 or that edits video (non-professionally) will want at least 160 GB, minimum.


Lower-end computers and some mid-range computers will have an integrated motherboard, meaning the graphics card is part of the motherboard. This will work well if you will use the computer mostly for non-graphics intensive programs, including non-3D games.

Serious gamers, photo editors, video editors, and those in graphics creation will want a separate, higher-quality graphics card, which is sometimes called a video card. Popular graphics cards include the NVIDIA® GeForce® 9300GE and the ATI® Radeon(TM) HD 4870 X2. Right now, the top quality high-end cards include the Dual ATI Radeon® HD 4850-CrossFire and the NVIDIA® 9800 GTX.


On many lower-end systems, the sound card is "integrated" on the motherboard. On other lower-end and some mid-range systems the sound card is "integrated" with the graphics card.

A separate sound card (not integrated with the graphics card or the motherboard) can indicate a better sound system, but that depends on the quality of the card. Top-end sound cards include the Creative Labs Sound Blaster® Audigy®2 ZS High Definition and the Intel® High-Definition 7.1 Audio.


Monitors are a matter of personal taste. Some people still prefer the older CRT monitors, even though they use-up more room on a desk and they are heavy. However many LCD monitors are now being sold. LCD is now the standard even for low-end computers. I recommend at least a 17 inch screen. Of course, the bigger the screen the better.


Look and make sure the system comes with support for the latest USB 2.0 specification. If you plan to do any video capturing and editing, make sure the computer has FireWire ports.

In Summary

By understanding computer components and other vital parts, and by understanding your computer needs, you can make a wiser cheap computer selection. Buying only what you need is good for the environment, and you will save money in the process.

Allan McFarlane is a computer consultant. His website is at Cheap Computer Information Center. For more information on buying a computer, see The Computer Buying Guide.

Internet and computer security

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Parameter name: request
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Parameter name: request

Well, if that would have been said to me by my father when I was 2 years of age, I would have understood. But when today, my own computer tells me that when I am 34, I wonder why I spent $1500 on my computer hardware and software just to enjoy the (un-realized) benefits of this great and revolutionary information technology?

Today’s cyberspace is hazardous. None of today’s PC users can claim that they never had a computer virus issue or a PC security breach. Now, if you count today’s number of PC users worldwide, they will soon be 1 billion by 2010 according to analysts. When I see all the computer viruses, infections, trojans, and what not around me, and compare it with the 1 billion innocent computer users around the world, I simply feel sorry not only for those billion users but for myself too. But again, as a common user myself, I must admit it was not all doomsday for the whole industry since 1987 when I started to use computers. So, as a responsible member of this great IT revolution, I must share some of the best tips and tricks that I learned to use to make the minimum room for productivity on my computer.

Please note this is a tutorial for someone who has basic know-how of computer usage. For those who are newbies, I would recommend asking a local expert’s help before trying anything out mentioned in this tutorial. In that case, make room for payment from deep pocket. For your own convenience, print this tutorial for step-by-step instructions.

Whenever my computer is infected, I act on any of the following options;

1. FORMAT HARD DISK: I back up all of my data on a CD-Writer if it is still accessible. And then format the whole hard disk drive and re-install each and every application.

2. USE SOFTWARE: I exhaust all anti-virus and other software options. This is usually my first priority as compared to formatting the whole computer hard disk drives.

Now, let me explain both options in detail;

PRE-REQUISITES: Make sure you have a CD-Drive (Writer), empty writable CDs, Windows OS CD (bootable) that contains files such as Format.exe, Scandisk.exe, FDisk.exe, and Attrib.exe files. Microsoft Office CD, Anti-Virus CD, GoldenHawk CD Writing Software in DOS (copy2cd.exe and cdtools.exe), Serial Numbers of your License, Driver CDs of Motherboard, VGA, Network, Sound and Modem devices. Optionally, download (using or these software from any Internet Café when your own computer is inaccessible and save it on a CD so that you can use it anytime for security purposes;

Golden Hawk DOS based CD Writing Software

HTech Fireman Windows based CD Writing Software

Driver Genius Pro

Partition Magic

AVG AntiVirus

SpywareBlaster & SpywareGuard

Spybot Search & Destroy




HiJackThis & CWShredder

I have intentionally avoided mention of many commercially good and more friendly software’s mention here as I wanted everything to do FREE without any additional costs apart from the usual OS licenses. For your own convenience, you can research Google or Yahoo search engines find further information about such commercial software and their availability / pricing.


I know it is painful and surgical type of solution, but sometimes, it is the ONLY solution left after exhausting all of our efforts to revive our computer machine after a virus attack. Follow this procedure;

Booting Up: Try booting your computer normally first and see if you can login easily. If you can’t or your computer hangs up, try holding F8 key when starting Windows and you will get the Safe Mode. Even if you don’t get the Safe Mode, don’t worry.

Power up your computer and press DEL key or F2 key to login your CMOS. In CMOS, go to Boot Preferences and make CD Drive as boot drive as your first boot drive and change the hard disk drive as the second boot drive. If you don’t see your CD Drive in the boot-up options, your CD Drive is not properly installed. Check the connectors or ask your CD Drive provider for instructions to install the CD Drive. Now, when your CD Drive is ready, insert your Windows OS CD in the CD Drive and restart your computer machine. When prompted, select the option “Boot from CD with CD Option”. When you get the prompt, Notice the CD Drive letter that was allocated to your CD Drive when it installed the CD Driver. It is usually D: drive or the last drive letter depending on the number of your partitions. Note it down as it is the actual drive letter where you will have to type a DOS command like d:

You should now be able to run all software utilities such as Format, Scandisk, FDisk or Windows Installation Setup.exe files. Right now, simply make sure they exist by typing a DOS command dir at the CD drive letter. If you don’t find it with this simple directory command, use dir/s filename to search the file. For example, to search fdisk.exe file, type dir/s fdisk.exe.

BACKING UP YOUR DATA: Before formatting your hard disk drive, please make sure you have proper back up of your critical data files such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc files on a CD or any other media for backup that you have access to. In this tutorial, we assume you have a CD-Writer installed for taking backups on Writeable CDs. Their capacity is usually 700MB or less. Here, you should seriously consider using Zipping software like WinZip or WinRAR.

VIA WINDOWS: If you can luckily login to your Windows OS, you should run the CD-Writer software such as HTech Fireman to back up all of your data on an empty CD. If you don’t know how to do it, read their user manual for detailed instruction set. If you can’t access your Windows OS, read on.

VIA DOS: Some of the files that you wish to make back-up, may be hidden. To un-hide them, use attrib *.* +r +s +h.

Now, use the software from Golden Hawk file named as copy2cd.exe to backup your data files or directories on a writeable CD. Before using this command, make sure you are in an appropriate path on the computer such as E:/ where the actual file copy2cd.exe file resides;

Copy2cd c:data*.* f:

Here we assumed that f: is a CD Writer drive. Now, repeat the same for all of your files to back up. When finished, run cdtools.exe command i.e. cdtools f: to finish by selecting option “Disc Finalization”.

If you can’t back up your data using the above-mentioned procedure, either ask an outside expert’s help personally or via internet. If all fails, forget your data forever and carry on installing a new OS as mentioned in this tutorial.

Backing up Your Drivers: An interesting tool to mentioned here is a software that automatically backs up all of your drivers of CD, modem, sound card, vga, usb, printer or just about anything that is currently installed on your system. But this software works only in an operational windows OS, and not in DOS. It is a good and time-saving practice to keep a backup of all of your drivers on a CD by using such a software. Its name is Driver Genius Pro and it is commercial software, not a freeware.

USING FDISK: You may skip this option and go straight to Formatting Hard Disk option, if you wish to use other useful partitions that may contain your data. Before going ahead with this option, Make sure there is no useful data left on your computer to be backed up. This option will delete all of the computer partitions and create new ones.

i) Boot up your computer using Windows OS CD.

ii) Run this command


iii) Press option 3 to delete all current partitions.

iv) To create a new partition, select option 1 and select Y to answer the maximum size question by the program.

v) Next, select option 2

vi) Press Esc key to quit and restart your computer to

See the URL [] for detailed instructions alongwith screenshots. Now, that you have created the primary partition, you can continue to format the newly created partition. There is a very user-friendly but commercial software called Partition Magic by PowerQuest to manage your partitions easily after installation of Windows.

FORMATTING HARD DISK: Now that you have created new partitions, It is time to format them so that you can start installing Windows. This is how you make your C: drive usable by your Windows OS for installation. Boot up your computer with Windows CD and type format c: command at the prompt. When prompted for maximum size, press, YES. After complete processing you will be presented with the successful report about the formatting of the C: drive. Select your new drive name and press ENTER to finish.

INSTALLING WINDOWS: Microsoft has made it very easy for a newbie to install a completely new OS on a newly formatted partition. It is all wizard based and you simply have to click NEXT each time whenever asked a question. Boot up your computer from the Windows CD and select Start with CD Option. When on DOS prompt, change to the CD Drive that it just created which is usually d: if you have only one partition C. Now type command setup.exe to start the windows installation process.

During installation, make sure you properly name your PC as per your preferences and select your regions and Time zone. When finished, the computer will re-boot and during next re-boot it may ask some drivers of your Sound Card, VGA, Network, or other devices attached. Provide the requisite driver CDs and locate the paths of the appropriate drivers. If you are not sure, leave it like that and press NEXT to ignore. When your windows installation is complete, you can install Microsoft Office, setup internet connection and start using it as normally as you would. Please make sure you install all the security software such as anti-virus, anti-spyware, adware, and other software as mentioned in the next section.


Installing Anti-Virus: Download free AVG Antivirus software and install it. Make sure you get its free key from their website by registering. This software is not auto-updated for critical viruses and for an auto-update version, you will have to pay. If you wish to pay, we would recommend world’s most popular brands Symantec, McAfee and Trend Micros instead. No matter what Anti-Virus software you install, make sure you enable its Auto-Protect feature for automatic protection of your computer’s resources and in-coming or out-going emails from any virus attack. Some software even allow you to setup silent detection and destruction without any disturbance to your work. Further, they are auto-updated via internet at the regular interval that you setup. Hence, you can rest assured that whenever a security threat is spread all over the world, your software will automatically download the requisite updated version and install its defense on your computer.

BROWSER SECURITY: To setup your browser (Internet Explorer on Windows) for maximum security against the usual threats, follow this procedure;

i) Start up your browser

ii) Go to IE > Tools > Windows Update > Product Updates, and selected Security Updates to be automatically updated. Microsoft releases patches and security patches from time to time to make sure your system's security is up-to-date.

iii) Now, go to Internet Options/Security/Internet, press 'default level', then OK. Now press "Custom Level." In the ActiveX section, set the first two options ("Download signed and unsigned ActiveX controls) to 'prompt', and 'Initialize and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe" to 'disable'. Now you will be asked whether you want ActiveX objects to be executed and whether you want software to be installed. Sites that you know for sure are above suspicion can be moved to the Trusted Zone in Internet Option/security.

If you use another browser such as Firefox or Netscape, see their documentation on how to securely set it up against any such internet threats.

Installing Anti-Spyware: Spyware, adware, browser hijackers, and dialers are some of the fastest-growing threats on the Internet today. By simply browsing to a web page, your computer may become a victim. You can install SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard to effectively guard your computer from such internet threats.

It includes Fast Real-Time Scanning engine for known spyware and heuristic/generic detection capabilities to catch new / mutated spyware and Download Protection along with Browser Hijacking Protection in real-time.

Simply download the software (free) from their website and install it on your system. Make sure you download its latest update too or enable its Auto-Update feature to be updated automatically in the background. Now, when you are ready, run the software to check the spyware on your computer. When spyware are found, it reports accordingly. Press "select all", then press option "kill all checked". Although it won't protect you from 100% spyware, But it is a very important extra layer of protection.

Next, install another software that is called Spybot Search & Destroy. It works exactly like SpywareBlaster, but it never hurts to have a double layer of spyware detection alongwith Spybot R&D.

Installing Anti-Adware: Adware is a common term used to describe potentially dangerous websites and scripts that do data-mining, aggressive advertising, Parasites, Scumware, selected traditional Trojans, Dialers, Malware, Browser hijackers, and tracking components. There is a very good software called Ad-Aware available to scan and remove such nuisances from your system.

To start using it, simply visit Lavasoft USA website and download its free non-commercial version of Ad-Aware Personal Edition. Run its setup program and install it. When prompted, ask it to scan your computer. If there are any adware found, it is detected and removed automatically by Ad-Aware. Run this software on a weekly or daily basis, if possible to keep your system clean.

In addition to the Ad-Aware, Internet Explorer comes with a very handy tool that allows you to block specific sites that may carry well-known advertisers, marketers, crapware pushers to the Restricted sites Zone. If you had to input 50000+ of such sites manually yourself, it would takes years. Luckily, there is a software that does it all automatically and it is called IE-SPYAD. Once you merge this list of sites and domains into the Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net. Nor will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC. It is not an ad blocker. It will stop top unwanted crapware from being installed behind your back via "drive-by-downloads"; prevent the hijacking of your home page.

This Restricted sites list is based in part on info from: discussions in the SpywareInfo Forums and other forums that specialize in crapware removal major crapware reference sites: doxdesk,,, PestPatrol and SpywareGuide.

To start using it, simply download it from their website and run its install.bat file. Make sure you run its update as well soon after its installation.

INSTALLING FIREWALL: A firewall software acts as a defense shield against hackers, intruders, and blocks access attempts to your computer. ZoneAlarm is a professional firewall software that works in a stealth mode automatically and makes your computer invisible to anyone on the Internet.

Download it from ZoneLabs website and run its setup for installation. I recommend you use its Express Settings which automatically configures your most commonly used software like browser, chat messengers, ftp software to access internet, while blocks every other internet traffic in real-time. If any software or service tries to upload or download any data, it pops up an alert whereby you can allow or disallow such internet traffic.

Computer Slow Down: It is very common to see many complaining about their computer slow-down. The fastest and easiest cure is using Windows’ built-in Defragmenter utitlity that you can find in StartĂ  Programs Ă  Accessories Ă  System Utitlities Ă  Disk Defragmantor and run thorough defragmantation. It will take a while before it ends.

If your system’s performance does not improve after running defragmantation utility, consider scanning your computer via a software utility called HiJackThis which you can download and install on your system. Use this tool carefully as it is intended for advanced users only. HijackThis is a tool, that lists all installed browser add-on, buttons, startup items and allows you to inspect, and optionally remove selected items. The program can create a backup of your original settings and also ignore selected items. Additional features include a simple list of all startup items, default start page, online updates and more.

CWShredder is a utility for removing CoolWebSearch (aka CoolWwwSearch, YouFindAll, and a dozen other names). This tool will find and destroy all traces of the CoolWebSearch (CWS) hijacker on your system including redirections, IE slowdowns, start page changes, un-authorized addition of sites in IE Trusted Zone, and blocking access to IE options or setup.

Download CWShredder from their official website only as there is a similar named virus/trojan on the loose at various websites which you may accidently download and install, hence become more infected than being cured instead. When it is installed successfully, run the software to scan your local machine. Select the fix button & it will get rid of everything related to CoolWebSearch. Close ALL other programs & windows, including IE, before running CWShredder. Reboot after doing this.

I know there is still a lot left, but as I wanted to keep this tutorial as brief as possible, hence I covered only the critical elements here. I am sure you will have fewer breakdowns (if not ZERO0 and more productive hours on your computer. I would recommend you to setup all the software’s auto update and auto-check options to free your time for more productive things than just playing hide and seek with spywares, adwares or viruses. Happy and safe computing!

This article is submitted by Kashif Raza

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Classification of computers

Computers are in different shapes, sizes and weights, due to this different shapes and sizes, different types of jobs from running available.

You can be classified in different ways. All computers are designed by the qualified computer architectures to design these machines as your requirements.

A computer that is used is different in a house located in size and shape of the computer is used in a hospital. Computer act as a server in large buildings while the computer in size and shape, the implementation is different from his job as a weather forecaster.

Take a laptop with him to his college student is different in shape and size of all these computers.

Here we are individually different classifications of computers to introduce. We will discuss, what are classifications and what work you perform.

Super computer

The largest size, the most expensive price than anyone is classified and known as the super computer. It can handle trillions of instructions in seconds. This computer is not a PC into a home not used by a student in a college.

Governments have specifically for your various calculations this type of computer and use heavy jobs. Different industries use this giant machine for design of their products.

In most of the Hollywood movies it is animation purposes. This kind of computer is also useful for forecasting weather worldwide.


Another giant in the computer for the super computer is mainframe, also million instructions per second and can process access to billions of data.

This computer is often used in large hospitals, air line reservations companies, and many other large companies prefer mainframe because of its ability to retrieve data on a massive basis.

This is normally too expensive and out of reach of content-based if you want a computer for his home.

This way of the computer can cost up to thousands of dollars.


This computer is next in the he-line, but less less than offers mainframe work and performance. These are the computers that are preferred by the small way of business Personals, academia, etc..

Personal computer

Most computer users are familiar with the personal computer. You know usually was the personal computer is and what are its features.

This is the computer which mostly preferred by the home users. These computers are less cost than the computer the above and also small in size; They are short for personal computers as PCs.

This computer is small in size and you can in your single bedroom with its all fits easily arrange. Today is this idea of the most popular computers in all.

Notebook computer

After a small size and low weight of the notebook is easy to carry anywhere. A student may take his school with him/her in his pocket with his book.

This is easily transported and preferred by students and business people to fulfill their assignments, and other necessary tasks.

The approach of this computer is the same as the personal computer. The same amount it can store a reminder of the same size as a personal computer data and having. One can say that it is sharing the personal desktop computer.

This is one of unique articles posted every week at

About the author

John Gibb is the webmaster of several Guide websites. Http: / / www.Computer and printer its latest addition is.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Security, malicious software and your computer

Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 6, position 350.
Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 2, position 8497.

Computers are practically in every aspect of our lives these days and our reliance on them is heavy. They are used as tools for work, data storage, schoolwork, shopping, and entertainment. Because so much information is typically stored on our computers we must always make sure they are protected from that loss of information. Businesses have to secure information on their computers to protect it from exploitation by hackers. And the home computer user is no exception to the requirement to protect computer information because there can be credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other sensitive personal information stored on their computer or transmitted when doing online shopping. There is a term used for this and it is "computer security risk." This term refers to the likelihood that some action could cause the loss of information, computer hardware, or denial of service.

When computer security is put at risk intentionally, it becomes criminal in nature or we call this a computer crime. Another relative of the computer crime is the cybercrime. The FBI pays especially close attention to cybercrimes and there are other types of crimes related to them such as corporate spying, unethical computer activity, cyberterrorism, hacking, cracking, and cyberextortion.

Hacking at one time had a positive meaning to it but since computer crimes were introduced, it falls in the bucket with the rest of them. The hacker is the person who gains access to a computer network illegally. They sometimes use the excuse that they were only trying to break a network's security so as to make the administrator aware of any security deficiencies.

Closely related to the hacker is the cracker. But the cracker never has been viewed in a positive light. The cracker always has had the intent to gain access to computer and its network to do harm to it or commit a crime like stealing information stored on it. The cracker, like the hacker, has to know what he or she is doing so advanced computer skills are needed in order to pull these crimes off.

Then there are the cyberterrorists and cyberextortionists. The cyberterrorist has a political motive behind his or her activities and it is to do harm to computers to adversely affect a political system. Cyberterrorism requires extensive planning, skilled people to carry it out, and money to fund it. It is much like the classic terrorist attack.

The cyberextortionist is the one who commits the crime of extortion via email. They will hold a company hostage by threatening to release sensitive company information or harm a company's computers and network if not given some confidential information and/or money. Sometimes these criminals are aware of security leaks that will allow them to exploit the computer. It is much like classic extortion except carried out through computers.

Then there is the employee who wants to get revenge on his or her company because of some perceived wrong done to them or they want to pad their pockets. These people are known as the unethical employees and what makes them so dangerous is that they many times know how to get into the system.

Not everyone has the computer skills required to be a cracker or hacker so there is another classification known as the "script kiddie." This person is usually is a teenager attempts to harm a computer system but cannot do much because he or she does not know much. This person will use canned programs and scripts to attempt to do the hacks and cracks.

Some unethical businesses try to gain an unfair advantage on their competition through an illegal activity known as corporate espionage. The same unethical businesses will hire a corporate spy who is highly-proficient in computers and technology to break into the target corporation's computers. The corporate spy will then steal information or even sabotage the target computer.

It is imperative that home and business computer users take action to shield their computer from these threats to their security. Computer security methods are not 100% foolproof but they do decrease the risk to computers significantly. As soon as a solution is found to protect against one threat, someone figures out a new way to gain unauthorized access to them. Computer users on home networks are more at risk to have information stolen than are computers on business networks mostly because of the more advanced security on the latter. And the internet is a network even more susceptible and at risk when it comes to security. Another problem with security on the internet is that there is not one centralized point to manage security and safety on the information highway.

You are probably wondering now if your computer is secure from threats such as these. There are ways you can get your system evaluated. You can find sites on the internet that offer services that will access your computer and report to you any security vulnerabilities found either through internet browsing or the e-mail. These same companies many times offer tips and suggestions of ways to protect against the vulnerabilities. Another resource in the fight against computer security threat is the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Coordination Center which also offers suggestions.

Security attacks against computers usually involve things like worms, viruses, denial of service, Trojan horses, and spoofing. All of these, the computer virus is the most famous. A computer virus is basically software that is designed to do damage to the files on your computer once it gets installed on it. All if it is done without the user giving permission and without the user's knowledge at first. A computer virus, once it gets in your computer, will spread and cause more damage. It will do things like delete files and corrupt your computer's operating system and render it inoperable. Thus it was tagged with the term "virus" because it acts much the same way as human virus does: it gets in and spreads throughout the body and causes illness or damage in some cases. Protection against viruses is available through anti-virus software.

An offshoot of the computer virus is the computer worm. A computer worm is much like a virus with the exception that it will find some perfectly valid executable program on your computer and attach itself to that program. When the user runs the program, the computer worm will attack. Computer worms can consume a lot of network bandwidth while they replicate across a corporate network.

And now for the famous Trojan horse computer threat that derives its name from the famous story in Greek mythology. What a Trojan horse does is hide itself in a program that looks like a valid program but in reality it is not. Trojan horse programs do not replicate like the viruses and worms do.

All these different types of threat software are known as malware which is term used to refer to malicious-logic programs. Malware, as the name implies, does damage to your computer. There are other variations of worms, viruses, and Trojan horses but we are just discussing these three for this article. And you should know how to suspect you have been attacked by one or more these malicious programs. You should be suspicious that you have been attacked if your computer shows one or more of these signs:

Programs you use suddenly don't work like they used to:

Files are missing or corrupted

Strange music or sounds are heard on your computer

You start running out of memory for no apparent reason

Strange files show up on your system

System properties begin to change

Popup windows with odd messages and/or images display

The ways in which these malicious programs do their damage or drop their "bombs" can be one any one of the following:

A user runs a program infected with the virus. This is why virus scanning software that checks a program before running it is so important.

A user boots a computer and the virus is installed on the boot sector. It is recommended that you remove all media files when you shut down your computer.

A user connects to a computer that is not protected against viruses on the network (such as accessing a shared drive). So the user opens a virus-infected file on a shared drive and now the user's client computer has the virus.

A user opens up an email attachment that contains an executable file with a virus. This is why it is so important to not open up executable email attachments unless you know the sender and the attachment has been scanned by anti-virus software.

And another big problem with malicious logic programs is that new ways to implement them are discovered every day. Security websites try to stay on top of each new malware implementation so that users can be alert for them. Take basic safety measures to protect your computer such as installing a good anti-virus package that gets updated with new malware detection logic automatically. Never open up suspicious email attachments. Be careful of the internet sites you visit (i.e., don't visit Warez sites), and run anti-spyware programs. Take the media out of any alternate boot devices you have so that a virus cannot get stored on it and be introduced at boot time. Finally, stay informed from security websites as to the latest threats and what to look out for.

Guy Starbuck is a Super Geek and Health Phreak who writes for, NetworkSecurity.WS, and ActiveDirectory.US.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The perfect computer - for the first time purchase

Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 9525.
Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 2, position 9423.

So you've finally decided it's time for a change. No matter

what advice you follow that old work horse of a desktop

computer you have has outlived its usefulness with slow

loading applications and a continuous rise in operation


Searching for that Perfect Computer can be about as much fun

as purchasing a new car and about as frustrating also when

sorting through the various brands while trying to decide

which "bells and whistles" best fit your needs. Besides all

that trying to return something that is so large can be both

inconvenient and very difficult to do. So making the right

decision the FIRST time is the wise path of choice.

For starters you'll need to decide what you want to do with

your computer. Are you into the video game scene or are you

someone who likes to just surf the internet and occasionally

do some book keeping with simple word processing software?

If you're into video games you're going to want a machine

that can handle the high level of graphics and superior

sound quality. On the other hand if you're not into all

that high adrenalin stuff you can probably get by with a

less expensive system. Although, if you want to stay on the

safe side I would recommend going with something more

"high-end" so you don't have to spend another large chunk of

change to upgrade the system you just bought.

There are two basic routes you can take when purchasing a

new computer.

1) Purchase a "Brand Name" Computer

2) Purchase a "Clone" Computer

A "BRAND-NAME" computer is one that is manufactured by a

company that is recognizable by name.

Some Advantages/Disadvantages of "Brand-Name" computers



Customer Support- If you are experiencing problems with your

computer you will have the option to contact a

representative of the company that you purchased the PC from

to get help in solving your problem.

Customer support is probably the best reason to buy a

brand-name computer.

Warranty- Having a warranty is always nice since it acts as

a type of security blanket for you.

In case a part on your computer should fail you should be

able to get the item fixed at no charge just as long as the

warranty has not expired.

Read and understand a company's warranty policy BEFORE you

purchase a computer from them.

This way you'll have a good understanding of the procedures

to follow in case a problem should arise.

Pre-installed Software- Many companies will include software

packages that are all set up and ready to go for you on your


Although, a disadvantage of buying a brand-name computer

with software pre-installed is that you usually end up with

more than fits your needs and usually just results with the

wasting of space on your storage device.

Additional Support- Most brand-name computer companies are

also able to provide you with web sites that may provide you

with current software updates, user manuals, or basic

troubleshooting help.


The use of Proprietary parts- the term Proprietary refers to

products that are unique to an individual company and that

company only.

So if a part was to malfunction on your computer after

warranty and you needed to replace it you could not just go

to your local computer store and purchase any old part even

if it was intended for the same function as the item that


You would be forced to buy the exact same item that came out

of the computer or else the computer would more than likely

cease to function correctly.

Having to buy proprietary parts usually involves the need to

place an order which means you'll have to wait for the part

to arrive or you'll have to send your computer into the

company or an authorized dealer of that company for


People with a home based business would probably not be too

happy with that situation at all.

Integrated/On-board parts- In the computer world when you

hear the word integrated or on-board it means that a

particular part such as the modem or sound port where you

plug in your speakers, is built-in or part of the computer

main board (Also known as the Motherboard).

This means that if any of these items should fail, you can't

just remove them from the computer and replace them with a

new part. They are usually soldered directly to the main

board and are stuck there.

Although, some computers do provide a way to disable a

malfunctioning device which will allow you to install your

own store bought device to take the place of the broken


From a computer technicians point of view this is not always

easy to do.

It just depends on what brand of computer you currently

have. Meaning some are easier to work on than others.

A "CLONE" computer is a clone or a copy of its brand-name

counterpart with the exception that instead of company

specific or proprietary parts, the items used to make a

clone computer are from several different companies instead

of only one.

Let's say that if you were to go to a local company that

builds "clone" computers, and you tell them what you need,

chances are they don't use parts that are specific to only

that type of computer like the brand-name computer companies


This is a good thing because it means that they will

probably use components that are interchangeable with many

different brands and are easy to come by if needed.

Some Advantages/Disadvantages of "Clone" computers include:


Cost- compared to brand-name computers the clone will

generally be easier on your pocket book when purchasing one

with similar features as its brand-name counterpart.

This is most likely due to the money that is saved by not

offering the high-end customer service. Although, that may

not be the only reason for the lower prices.

Easily Accessible Replacement Parts- Since the clone

computer was built with parts that are not any one company

specific, you can buy parts for the clone computer that can

be used even if the brand is different from the one that was

in the computer when you originally bought it.

NOTE: Before you buy any parts, it is necessary to make sure

that the replacement parts are compatible with your

particular computers system requirements.

Either consult the manual that should have came with your

computer or get help from a knowledgeable friend or repair



Warranties- Unless you purchase a service plan you will

typically not have as an attractive warranty as you would

with a brand-name computer company.

Whatever you do just make sure you understand how long the

warranty is for and as to what kind of repairs the warranty

covers before you make the purchase.

Customer Support- With brand-name computer companies you are

usually provided with a 24-hour toll free number that you

can call if you have questions or concerns with your


Clone computers are more than likely not going to have a

24-hour help service, but rather you will be forced to only

be able to call during regular business hours.

Also, it is more than likely that there will not be any one

website that you can go to in order to find out information

concerning troubleshooting questions you may have.

For service it may be necessary to take the computer back to

the store that you bought it at or you may have to do some

research on the individual parts that went into the computer

and visit the manufacturer's website for troubleshooting


Finally, if all else fails you can certainly take what you

have learned from this article and being that you know what

you need now, but don't know where to go and get that

"Perfect Computer", the best resource at your disposal are

the very men and woman that work at your local electronics


It is their duty to help you get hold of that "Perfect

Computer" that best fits your needs. All you need to do is

tell them what you plan on using that computer for and they

should be more than happy to help you from there.

Dan devotes much time working on his internet ventures. He currently has a T-Shirt store at [] and an ebook store at that caters to his visitors.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

As to your own computer or laptop memory upgrade

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Upgrading the memory in your computer or laptop is one of the

easiest and most cost-effective ways of improving your computer's

performance. Still many computer owners shy away from any memory

upgrade for a number of reasons: lack of knowledge, warranty issues,

fear of ruining their computers, compatibility concerns, or just an

innate feeling that the inside of their computer is just some alien

territory they must never venture.

Like a lot of things in life, a computer memory upgrade seems

more complicated than it actually is. Most of the apprehension

comes from a lack of knowledge. Let's face it, the average computer

user may only have a vague idea about RAM, Motherboards, Graphics

Cards and the like.

They know their computer works when they turn it on and that's all

that really matters to them. However, what most people don't realize is

that with a little investment of time and a few dollars, they can make

their computer work better and faster. It's an investment that will

quickly pay for itself; not only will you save time when doing your

daily computer chores, but the overall enjoyment of your computer or

laptop will greatly increase.

It's best to tackle this problem or task with some good information

concerning all the factors involved in the upgrading of your computer's

memory. Let's start with the basics and work from there.

Get Out Of Jail Free Card!

(*Shortcut! Don't have the time or desire to read all the 'ins and

outs' of a RAM or memory upgrade but still want to upgrade your

system. Go to the author's resource box below and click the link.

It will take you to a page where you can find a Memory Advisor tool

which can scan your system and tell you which memory upgrades are

possible with your particular computer or laptop.)

First Step: Know Your RAM

RAM or random access memory. This is what the computer uses to run

applications and data on your computer. You need it to run your

computer's OS operating system, your need it for handling graphics,

files, web-browsing, e-mail and multi-tasking. RAM is vital to the

operation of your computer. As a general rule, the higher the amount

of RAM you have, the faster your computer will work or run.

To complicate things somewhat, there are many types of RAM. The type

of RAM in your computer or laptop may depend on the year it was


From mid-2004 a lot of the computers have DDR2 (double data rate,

second generation) SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic RAM). Before that time

many computers had DDR (double data rate, first generation) SDRAM.

Most older systems use SDR (single data rate) SDRAM, fast page mode

(FPM), or extended data out (EDO).

To complicate things even further, most of the types of RAM comes

in different speeds!

DDR2 SDRAM is a new standard that can boost conventional SDRAM

memory up to speeds well over 200MHz and beyond. For example, the

new IBM ThinkPad T43, thanks to the Sonoma Chipset or platform has


This is much better than standard SDRAM which tops out around 150-166MHz

and DDR SDRAM which starts at 200MHz and goes up to around 400MHz.

Keep in mind, DRAM means Dynamic Random Access Memory and SDRAM means

Synchronous Dynamic RAM.

And to really confuse you, having a faster RAM speed does not (by itself)

make your computer go faster, you must upgrade or increase the AMOUNT of

RAM in your computer system to increase performance. Also keep in mind

your computer was made to accept a specific memory speed and there's no

benefit from going beyond that limit.

It's usually recommended that you get the fastest speeds for your

system, this will permit for better compatibility and make it easier

for future upgrades.

Second Step: Know Your Machine

Without a doubt, compatibility is the most important factor in

buying a memory upgrade for your laptop or computer. It's essential

that any upgrade be compatible with your computer or machine, i.e.

otherwise it just won't work.

Therefore, you have to know the amount and kind of RAM you have

in your computer or laptop. The best way to find this is to check

your owner's manual. It should tell you the type of RAM your system

is using, it should also tell you the maximum amount of RAM your

system can take.

Obviously, an easy way to make sure you don't exceed the maximum

memory on your computer, just subtract your current memory from

the allowed limit listed in your system specifications. For instance,

if your computer takes a maximum of 512MB of RAM and you have 256MB

installed, then you can upgrade to an additional 256MB of RAM

(512MB - 256MB = 256MB).

You should also be aware that DDR is not backward/forward-compatible,

which means that if you're upgrading a computer that doesn't have

DDR technology, it won't take a DDR upgrade.

Likewise, DDR2 is not backward-compatible, which means if your system

doesn't have DDR2 technology, it won't accept a DDR2 upgrade.

So check your system very carefully and see what kind of RAM it has and

the maximum amount of RAM it will take. You must also check to see if

your computer's warranty will be null and void if you install the RAM

yourself! Some manufacturers actually seal your computer case and you

must have an authorized technician to install your RAM.

Third Step: How Much RAM Do You Need?

It's generally agreed that you need at least 256MB for Windows XP and

Mac OS X. You will only need 128MB for other operating systems in Windows

or Mac. Most general office work and heavy multi-tasking may need 512MB of

RAM. Gamers or Professional Graphic workers usually need the most RAM -

up to 2GB or more of RAM.

Please note, installing a faster speed RAM (as noted earlier) will not

increase the speed of your computer or laptop. The only way to increase

the speed of your computer is to increase the AMOUNT of RAM you have

in your system. Going from 256MB of RAM to 512MB of RAM will speed up

your computer. Going to 2GB of RAM will make it go even faster. Benchmark

testing has shown that you can get from 28% up to 43% increase in

performance, depending on the amount of RAM increase.

However, there's always a spoiler, other parts of your computer must be

able to handle this increase. Your computer will only go as fast as your

slowest link. In other words, you may have to upgrade other elements in

your computer to receive the benefits of a memory upgrade. Make sure you

check this factor first before your make your memory upgrade. Otherwise,

you may just be wasting your time and money.

Another consideration is the Memory of your Video or Graphics Card

in your system. The amount of VRAM is the major factor in your display's

resolution and color depth. A faster and more powerful upgrade in your

Graphics Card will give you increased performance especially for handling

graphics and videos, as in 3D Gaming.

Fourth Step; Ordering Your RAM

There are over 110,000 different memory upgrades you can choose from!

There are many places to order your RAM, from your local computer store

to online sites. If you're ordering online, one the most highly rated

sites is - these people are memory experts and know their

memory! They are a part of Micron, one of the largest DRAM makers

in the world.

Perhaps, what's more important, Crucial has very high consumer

satisfaction ratings from other third party rating sites. This gives

you an unbiased recommendation or indication that the service and

product is top-notch. Even more important, they have the

Crucial Memory Advisor(TM) tool which will scan your computer system

and tell you what memory upgrades are available. They also back

up their products with a lifetime warranty.

Some other thing to keep in mind when ordering your RAM. Many desktop

systems or computers use what's called "non-parity" memory which

means it does not need ECC (error correction code) or "parity"


Registered, buffered, and unbuffered are other terms that

will come up -- they refer to how a certain memory module

processes signals. Usually, most PC systems take unbuffered

RAM and rely on the motherboard controller to help process

memory. Registered RAM is used mostly in servers.

Fifth Step: Installing Your New Memory or RAM

If you order your RAM online, you will receive your RAM module in

an anti-static bag, along with detailed instructions on how to install

your RAM. On modern system boards, RAM is installed on SIMM or DIMM

modules (SODIMM in notebooks).

One of the most important things to do when installing RAM or working

with your Computer is to 'Ground Yourself' to make sure you

don't 'Shock' your computer with static electricity. You can take

some simple precautions to prevent this from happening. If you have

wrist straps designed to prevent shocks, you need to wear them.

If you don't have wrist straps, here's a simple way to

ground yourself:

You should turn off your computer, monitor, plus all accessories

(speakers, printer, scanner). Unplug your computer and any

accessories. Then quickly touch an unpainted part of your computer

case and keep your feet planted in one position while installing

your RAM. If you walk around, repeat the process above before you

touch any internal parts of your laptop or computer.

Open up the back of your computer or laptop. Depending on your model,

you may need a screwdriver. If you have a laptop or notebook, the memory

slots are sometimes located under the keyboards. Most times, it's in the

back of your laptop; check your manual for the location of your laptop's


Depending on your upgrade, you may have to replace your RAM module with

the New one, in other cases, you will be adding any extra module or

two. Follow the specific directions that come with your RAM upgrade; installing the RAM is only a matter of a Push and a snap! Your RAM

upgrade will snap into their memory slots without too much difficulty.

Before you close the case, turn your computer or laptop on to see if

your new RAM is installed. You will see it on the startup screens or

you can easily check it by going into 'My Computer' under properties, if you're using Windows.

Basically, this is how to do your own computer or laptop memory

upgrade. There may be other elements or aspects you might want

to check out before installing your new RAM but follow the guidelines

above and the detailed instructions that come with your RAM module or

modules and you should be OK.

If you have any trouble, click the link in the resource box below. They

have extensive detailed guides that you can follow. If may be a good

idea to check out these guides first, before you order your memory, to

see the kind of procedure you will have to do to install your RAM.

Realizing how simple this procedure is may relieve some of your initial

fears concerning a memory upgrade for your system.

This site also has 'live' help where you can chat to Expert Memory

Technicians if you are still having problems.

For more information on a computer or laptop memory upgrade Click Here: Laptop Memory Upgrade Get a few Free Internet Marketing Tools. Titus Hoskins Copyright ? 2006.
This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

Save money with preventative computer maintenance

Computers are an everyday part of life in the modern world. Computers require special attention and care to properly and safely work. Here are some basic guidelines that help your computer equipment and work to keep your gear for a long time. Finally save keep your equipment running money.

What most people do not know, or often overlooked;

Keep away from direct sunlight, to prevent overheating the computer equipment.
Keep away from direct contact with water or moisture to prevent damage computer equipment.
Keep computer equipment in a clean and dust free area.
Use always surge protectors, electrical surge damage to your system to prevent.
Place an anti-static mat in the area where you want your computer to eliminate or prevent ESD damages are active on your system.
Have cleaned your system Interior to keep at least once a year, to run smoothly and protect your investment.
Prevention is the key

The most important activity you can do as a computer user is as clean as possible to keep your computer. In the user's Guide is the best source, specific information about how to clean to find your outer system components; but here are some basic tips you should follow.

What should you do, never;

NEVER eat or drink during the operation of the computer. Food crumbs can easily destroy your computer.
Set up never containers with water (or any other liquid) or near computer. Accidental spill can damage your computer or give an electric shock.
Use with never your computer keyboard dirty or sticky hands (wash your hands before you use your computer).
Never allow your pets near your computer. Dust and hairballs can accumulate inside the computer case and cause your system to overheat.
Computer maintenance

Basic computer maintenance should be part of your regular routine. Keep your computer dust and dirt free, guarantee that your computer will take and will give you years of reliable performance. Find your specific maintenance manual practices and intervals.

How to clean your computer system

Computer systems require cleaning of internal parts, especially when used outside of a clean environment. However, the case and clean sensitive electronic components should open only an authorized technician. Find your instruction manual to determine the best interval for interior cleaning and take your computer to a certified technician.

Regular cleaning of the exterior computer system includes the following:

Monitor screen

Your computer monitor is the component probably being that that require most attention because computer monitors tend to regular use and dust dirty. Clean your computer monitor or LCD screen to use design specialties, to clean computer monitors without damaging them.

Clean your computer screen you can OPTECH CTR screen care. This special cleaner is an antistatic cleaner and coating to safely remove fingerprints and dirt from computer screens. This cleaner the surface is an invisible dirt-repellent film which contains an optical ingredient which fills-in minute scratches removal surface treated distortion and reduce eye fatigue.

Applying a computer screen cleaner

First spraying you never cleaner directly on your computer. Instead, spray a lint-free cloth slightly with the computer screen cleaner, and wipe your screen. Make sure to keep the cloth away from your computer, when to spray the cleaner on the fabric.

Keyboard maintenance

During daily usage, a keyboard will get quite dirty and sticky. Dirt and other debris can fall accumulate between the keys and cause damage or prevent the keys work correctly. Clean your computer keyboard use canned air/gas or a small computer specific vacuum cleaner. NEVER apply any cleaner or liquid directly on your keyboard. If the keys are dirty, use a lint-free cloth that was cleaner to easily sprayed with computer has and carefully clean your computer keyboard. NOT clean your computer while the computer is running, and avoid using your computer, till cleaner has paid the, to avoid possible damage to your equipment. Consult your user's Guide, detailed instructions for your particular machine.

Case/Tower maintenance

Their computer case require maintenance. Remove computer case dust and dirt from your computer air vents and yours. You should never spraying you any kind of cleaner in your computer through air intakes, or you could damage your system. Use always cans to clean air/gas your computer vents or air intakes. Canned air/gas cleaners are the idea for the cleaning of ventilation openings, keyboards, hard drives and computer case cracks. The exterior of your computer case cleans sprayed with an anti static computer cleaner with a lint-free cloth. When in doubt, to clean, such as your computer system call always your user manual or your systems technical support department.

Save money safe and clean computing!

Following guidelines care basic computer should help you take care of your computer system, and keep it running for years. Preventive maintenance will prevent that your system problems and save money in the long run. For specific questions about your specific system should always check your owner's manual or contact technical support.

Jerry Rochman is the marketing director and co-owner of BestValueSupply. BestValueSupply is an online Concierge and cleaning, security, medical, restaurant work gloves provider. BestValueSupply is an online leader in the industry and concierge products at low discounted prices. Visit our website at